Kevin’s Korner:
(Updated March 5, 2019)
A Blast From The Past
Was looking through a December, 1982 copy of the American Square Dance Caller magazine, and I came across this:
 I was always a sharp dresser...
July, 2016
Great to see old & new friends at a fun, fantastic National Convention in DesMoines, IA last month. Already lookin forward to Cincy next year!
Hope y'all havin a great summah! Temps startin to heat up here in Midwest - lookin at cuttin grass in triple digit 100 degrees today (July 23rd ). I can usually find some heat relief when I travel back to the east coast, but looks like it's just as steamy back there too . . . stay cool y'all and enjoy some nice a/c comfortable dance halls!
Lookin forward to some fun local, Chicago & New England travels coming up in next few weeks - hope to seeya round the square somewhere! ~
Sad news with great St Louis caller Mike Corns' passing this week. Mike was a neat guy, fun caller and always entertaining:
Recently Mike & I called together at the annual fun St Louis Metro Picnic. When looking for a song to ‘duet’ together, we were both surprised to find ‘Sail Away’ in each other’s collection and enjoyed making waves with the dancers! Now Mike has sailed away into square dance heaven and he will definitely be missed.

Kevin, Gerry Tevlin (Cuer), Mike Corns (2015 St Louis Metro Picnic)
September 26, 2015
Thanks to you all of you who took time out of your frantic Friday to send all those great Happy Birthdays! I really appreciate all the thoughtful 'reminders,' math quizzes and warm wishes!!!~
My family usually celebrates a Birthday 'week'! 1 day is usually not enuf to get us all togethah...this week turned out to be even more special as I also got to celebrate the beautiful birth of Grandbaby Rory (to Manda + Kyle) on Tuesday (9/22@6:22pm). This is Grandson #1 Kelby holding new #2 (...and also the baby, hahaha~)

September 4-8, 2015
Hi! Ok, y'all know how totally serious, shy & introspective I am so it should be no surprise that I would get humbly inspired and nostalgic as I think about all the great S/D friends 'n fun I've been fortunate to enjoy in Bahstuhn area this Labah Day weekend!
Growing up (ok, so maybe that's up for debate! ~) and living my first 25 years in Dawchestah I can tell you I certainly took a lot of New England things (Bahstuhn, beach, seafood 'n scenery, etc) for 'granite'! (Quincy joke :) ~ So now everytime I travel back to good ole NE I find a renewed sense of appreciation for all these things - but still they are just that, things! I truly believe what makes these New England treasures so precious is the great friends I get a chance to spend quality dance, drink & laughtah time with. It just doesn't get any bettah than havin fun with y'all last 2 nites (Rockin with Roostahs in Newtown and Happy Hayloftahs in Sturbridge). I was especially inspired at Saturday Hayloft dance in part, I believe, because of my aftahnoon visit to St Anne's Shrine and outdooah mass prior to dance. There's just something so peaceful and special about this beautiful place of worship nestled quietly in the hilly, wooded pines just outside of Sturbridge. I believe being outside praying with nature really gets you physically and spiritually closer to our heavenly creator, and I personally felt this inspire me calling Saturday night's dance. Praise the Lord and thanks for the heavenly hash and amen music! ♫
Ok, that's as deep dish ( Uno's ) as I get folks! ~ Heah's a special 'Thank You' to all who attended these dances - especially Ed, Margene, Geoff, Carrie, Paul (aka 'Phil'), Terry, Judy, Al & Deanna, Mo & Donna, Ed & Barb, Sue L, Fred, Martha & Marty, great callin buds Matt, Steve & Mary, Ken & Sue - please don' be upset if your name doesn't appeah, I'm old ok? ! ! ! ~ ( . . . and Ed tells me nobody reads this sh_t anyways!) Hopefully I got to thank you all by name in person (if you wore a badge) at the end of these fun dances.
I'll be back up northeast next month calling NNJSDA – Bridgewater, NJ dance Sunday Oct 11 - hope to see y'all round the square soon, take care! ~
September 1, 2015
Hi y’all! Man is it really September already? Summer’s been a blur, but that just means it’s because we’re all having fun times, great dances and making good mermories!
♫ “Heading up to San Fran . . . uh, make that New England! For the Labor Day weekend shows”